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Chapter 1 gives a summary and discussion on self-creation found in various religious and theological texts.

Chapter 2 explores the definition and concept of “self” from a more philosophical and psychological context.

Chapter 3 is an entry point into the application of mathematics to discuss self-creation. This chapter definitively develops basic Set Theory and Arithmetic in the context of self and the self-creation process.

Chapter 4 summarizes the “Big Bang Theory” along with some of the formal mathematical language that scientist apply to describe certain types of “force-carriers” and elementary particles. Chapter 4 also discusses a self-creation cosmology theory of matter developed by Astro Physicist Garth A. Barber, Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society. Also, a subsection of Chapter 4 is given exclusively to examples of the continuum.

Chapter 5 is another basic but necessary mathematical sub-application to the book’s topic that applies the Theory of Functions to discuss the uniqueness of each human being from One Self.

Chapter 6: While Chapters 3 and 5 apply the basic language of Arithmetic and Functions to sketch an outline of a self-creation process; it provides a comfortable mathematical background for the final discussion in Chapter 6 which applies the language of Algebraic Topology, Category Theory, and Representation Theory- mathematical languages more befitting to discuss, in a most generalized way, the “properties” and “interaction” of the Supreme Being with Her/His own Self during the self-creation process. Subsections of Chapter 6 mathematically describe interaction between Self, Soul, Mind, and Body; and interaction between Mind, Brain, and Universe.

Genre: Cosmology, Theology, Philosophy, Mathematics, Physics, Metaphysics