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New Book Release

The Mathematics of Self Creation, by Dr. Brett A. Sims

This book is a new approach to advancing the discussion of the cosmological concept of Self-Creation using the Language of Mathematics. The Self-Creation “process” taught by the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Leader of the Nation of Islam, is a cosmological concept found in the theology of the Nation of Islam and various other theologies- Ancient Egyptian, Dogon, Ifa, Hindu, Hawaiian, Shinto, and Greek.

In the theology of the Nation of Islam Self-Creation is the cosmological process of Allah creating the first Human Representation of the Self of Allah, by the Self of Allah!
Different levels of mathematics can be used to describe the cosmological Self-Creation process. In this book I patiently and comfortably describe Self-Creation at the level of arithmetic, at the level of functions, and lastly at the level of Algebraic Topology.

Dr. Sims is dedicated to the evolution of mathematical and scientific thought in academia and the community. READ MORE

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